Q: What is Third Place?
A: Third Place is a two-week, virtual destination supporting the art and craft of audio storytelling, inspired by the concept of physical third places, and intentionally created to meet the needs of audio makers and listeners living through these (yes, we said it) unprecedented times. Join us from October 19 through November 1, and read more about Third Place here.
Q: What’s an “appreciator,” what’s a “maker,” and which one am I?
A: A very existential question, my friend.
Within a Third Place context, an “appreciator” is someone who just wants to dip their toes in the world of Third Place. For dear appreciators, we'd recommend you check out individual tickets to our Main Stage events here, or check out our Mini-Fests here. A "maker" is someone who wants to peel back the layers of the work, in conversations, with others — and who wants to dive deep into the world of Third Place.
Said another way: Makers purchase Registrations that grant them full access to the whole world of Third Place. Appreciators purchase individual tickets that grant them access to individual events, hosted in individual neighborhoods, in the world. (Think of it as buying a pass that grants you access to a whole museum versus purchasing a ticket to a one single show in one gallery.)
Q: When does Third Place start & and when does it end?
A: For Makers, Third Place officially opens on October 19 and ends on November 1 (but you may get a few sneak peaks to the world if you register before then!) During this time, there is a slate of live events available via individual tickets for appreciators as well, on-sale now!
Q: When will the full lineup be released?
A: We’ve just released the full lineup of events that are available via individual event tickets! [linked] All of the offerings in this lineup are also available to makers who purchase a Maker Registration.
We’ll release the rest of the offerings and a schedule exclusively for makers on Friday, October 16. We may add in more surprises as time goes on — you never know what is going to happen in the world of Third Place: it’s ever-evolving.
Q: Will live events be recorded & available later?
A: To the best of our ability, yes. For all Main Stage shows & elements of the Mini-Fests, yes: they will be recorded and available via Third Place afterwards. Maker Sessions will also be recorded, and with a Maker Registration, you’ll have access to these recordings. For Makers, some elements of Third Place might not translate well into recordings, and will be indicated as "better experience live" in their descriptions.
Q: Who is behind Third Place?
A: Third Place is a virtual experiment in worldbuilding from Third Coast International Audio Festival, a fiercely independent arts non profit rooted in Chicago that seeks to propel the medium of audio storytelling forward, and to support the diverse communities of folks who make this work worldwide. Get to know Third Coast here.
Q: Who should buy a Maker Registration for Third Place?
A: The short answer: Anyone is welcome to!
The long answer: A Maker Registration is designed for folks anyone who identify as audio producers, audio artists, makers, or journalists or who is making narrative audio stories, anyone who is part of the audio industry broadly, anyone based in another discipline or field interested in how intersecting with audio could strengthen your work! We encourage makers, regardless of experience level in the audio field, to go the route of a Registration. We are all about deepening community and craft with both returning and brand-new folks.
People who identify more strongly as appreciators or fans are also welcome to register, but they may find that a better option is to purchase individual tickets to our general-audience events. All individual event tickets are now available.
Q: Is the Maker Registration capped?
A: Maker Registration for Third Place will not be capped. Unlike any physical space, the world of Third Place can accommodate any number of makers, whether it’s 800 or 4,000. Regardless of the number of people who register for Third Place, we’re aiming to create intimate group experiences within the broader audience of each program/event.
A note: there may be situations where entering an event late may not be permitted. There may also be certain Meetups within Third Place that require an additional sign-up, and may limit the number of attendees. There will also be some events that center identities or experiences, where
Q: What do I get access to when I buy a Maker Registration? Is there anything I don’t get access to?
A: When you buy a Maker Registration to Third Place, you’ll get full access to everything this world has to offer, including a layer of the world created specifically to support audio makers in terms of craft, career and community. When we’re not in a pandemic, Third Coast hosts an annual in-person Conference in Chicago, and we designed the Full Maker Registration to Third Place to capture the magic and resources of that event in a digital space.
Once we open on October 19, we’ll reveal pages, forums, resources within Third Place created for makers specifically. With a Maker Registration, you can interact with those features whenever you’d like during the two weeks that Third Place is open.
You’ll also have full access to our lineup of scheduled programming, featuring a stellar lineup of audio makers, artists, journalists & thinkers from across the audio landscape and beyond. This includes our Main Stage Events, as well as two mini-festivals, which will also be available to appreciators and listeners via Individual Event Tickets.
Within the lineup of scheduled programming, a number of events will be geared toward makers specifically, including Community-Based Programs and Maker Sessions.
Q: How long do I have access to Third Place?
A: You’ll have access to Third Place from October 19 through December 31. (But, Third Place’s off-season starts on November 2, so expect limited updates and fewer fellow visitors. Third Place is designed to be experienced during the High Season.
Q: Where’s the schedule of events?
A: Hang tight! We’ll release a lineup with times on Friday, October 16, and will be add more by the start of programs on October 19. This is an online world being built completely from scratch, so we'll keep adding new elements, and growing it throughout the festival; and alongside you & with you, if you decide to join us. (We hope you do!)
Q: Can I purchase a registration on behalf of someone else?
A: No. Each attendee will need to purchase their own registration and create their own Third Place account.
Q: How long is registration open for?
A: Registration closes on November 1, after our final event. You can register at any point during the duration of Third Place and receive access to any recorded events you may have missed. Keep in mind that you won’t necessarily be able to participate in live Q&A’s or discussions, and some experiences are intended to be highly participatory. We encourage you to purchase your ticket/registration now!
Q: Can I share a registration with a friend?
A: No. Sharing an account will limit your ability to take full advantage of Third Place. We created sliding scale pricing for registration in hopes that it could be affordable for anyone interested in attending.
Q: If I register, how long will I have access to this programming?
A: In mid-November, we will close Third Place… but not forever! Our goal is to provide all Third Coast programming at an affordable cost when it is live, and entirely free when it is over. Check out the Third Coast Pocket Conference for recordings, make sure to follow all your new friends, and keep those conversations going on Twitter!
Q: Are registrations refundable, or transferrable?
A: Unfortunately, registration is neither refundable nor transferable this year.
Q: If I want to buy an Individual Event Ticket, instead of the Maker Registration, what will I have access to?
A: We’re creating a slate of live events available via Individual Event Tickets (which are all included in the Maker Registration.) Our lineup will feature a stellar lineup of audio makers, artists, journalists & thinkers from across the audio landscape and beyond. This includes our Main Stage Events, as well as two mini-festivals.