While Third Place is not an in-person gathering, it is a virtual convening envisioned by Third Coast International Audio Festival, celebrating art, craft, and community.
And Third Coast is all about community, year-round. We’re dedicated to providing a safe, equitable, accessible, supportive, inclusive, and intentional space for all who take part in the Third Place experience. We take this code of conduct seriously, and strongly encourage you to follow and respect this same Code of Conduct.
We do not tolerate discriminatory language or behavior on the basis of actual or perceived: gender, sexual orientation, ability, race, age, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment or violence in any form , including but not limited to: sexual harassment, deliberate intimidation, stalking, or coercion. (See the full list of what constitutes harassment below, as well as referring to the Online Harrassment Field Manual.)
We strive to address any unwelcome harmful, oppressive, or discriminatory behavior through policy, practice, and action. It is our policy to center the needs of the harmed party. We will work with them to determine the action that Third Coast should take to address the harm.
If someone has violated these standards or otherwise treated you inappropriately, our goal is to provide resources to you, including the option to officially report a violation to the organizers of Third Place, who may respond with sanctions. Anyone who violates this Code of Conduct is subject to sanctions from Third Coast organizers, up to and including removal from the Third Place, a report to one’s employer, or future sanctions related to Third Coast programming.
To report a violation of the Code of Conduct, please email: thirdPlace@thirdcoastfestival.org with the subject heading “Code of Conduct Report.” This is a shared, confidential email address managed by Third Coast staff. We will never share the contents of your report or your identity without your explicit prior consent.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
Verbal or written comments that reinforce social structures of domination
Comments that are lewd, lascivious, demeaning, or derogatory
Unwelcome discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity
Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following
Harassing photography or recording (audio or video)
Sustained disruption of talks or other events
Unwelcome sexual attention, including any specific activity for which consent was not requested and given
Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior
Thank you for helping us, and each other, stay safe.